News & Updates

Version V2024.2 Released

Published by Bruce Sergent on 04/07/2024

Version 2024.2 is now released

Section 2, all new additions, page 2-268 to 2-273 for March 2024 to June 2024

Section 3, new addition for Prestige booklet

Version V2024.1 Released

Published by Bruce Sergent on 14/03/2024

Version 2024.1 is now released

Section 2, all new additions, page 2-265 to 2-268 for December 2023 to February 2024

Page 2-67 Corrected the image for B339(2)

Page 2-243 OBCC overprint on B962

Page 4-13 New addition for Christmas Island Prestige

Version V2023.4 Released

Published by Bruce Sergent on 28/11/2023

Version 2023.4 Released

Page 1-18 After many, many years, I have found a tropical version of B56A. It has been unknown all this time if there was a Tropical of this booklet.

Page 1-46 Added a new variety with blank insert reverse, B130Ch

Section 2, all new additions, page 2-262 to 2-265 for July to November 2023

Page 2-260 St George overprint on B1031

Page 4-8 New additions for Christmas Island

Page 5-10 New Southpex additions for 2022 & 2023

Version V2023.3 Released

Published by Bruce Sergent on 16/08/2023

Version 2023.3 Released

All new additions, page 2-257 to 2-261 for May & June 2023

A few cosmetic fixes throughout, again thanks to a dedicated subscriber

Version V2023.2 Released

Published by Bruce Sergent on 04/06/2023

Version 2023.2 Released

All new additions, page 2-257 for March & April 2023

Corrected an incorrect image for Insert 64 d, e & f in Section One, pages 37, 39 & 41

Section One Page 40, corrected typo for Notes B101-B106, h, k, l changed to h, j, l

Section One Page 48 B132 has 3 insert pages, not 2

Section One Page 50 B135 79b should have been 79a

Section Two Page 4, number of combinations for B145 is 4,608, thanks to Peter Duerr

Section Two Page 100, added a new find, Reprint with postal rates for B453

Section Two Page 184, another new find, a reprint of B747 with new PO Logo

Version V2023.1 Released

Published by Bruce Sergent on 06/03/2023

Version 2023.1 Released

All new additions, pages 2-252 to 2-256 up to the end of February 2023

New Prestige Booklet page 3-49

New Christmas Island page 4-13

Version V2022.4.0 Released

Published by Bruce Sergent on 27/10/2022

Version 2022.4.0 Released

Some corrections and additions, thanks to the keen eyes of our subscribers.

Page 4-18 Norfolk Island, new NI6f Top selvedge with 1C1C1C1C

New additions, pages 2-247 to 2-252

Version V2022.3.0 Released

Published by Bruce Sergent on 26/06/2022

Version 2022.3.0 Released

Some corrections and additions, thanks to the keen eyes of our subscribers.

Corrections to pages 1-21, 22, 23, 31 & 33

Corrections and new images added to pages 3-11, 14, 19, 22, 33 & 36

Corrections to pages 4-14 through 18

New pages 2-246 & 247, 3-49

Version V2022.2.0 Released

Published by Bruce Sergent on 07/04/2022

Version 2022.2.0 released.

Section 1 - 42 Addition of B127 DeS, B127 GhS & B127 KfT

The two S versions are un-stitched covers

Section 1 - 46 Addition of B130 IfST

Section 1 - 48 Addition of B132 Ii Stapled Remake (un-stitched cover)

Section 1 - 50 A stitched example of B136 Ed has now been found

Section 2 - 11 & 2 - 169 price typos corrected

Section 2 - 41 B260(4) renumbered as B260(101)

Section 2 - 239 New overprint on B945 St George Philatelic

Section 2 - 243 to 245 New releases

Section 3 New Prestige booklets, including a non-advertised Doves & Pigeons

Section 4 Revised text and images for Christmas Island's first booklets, plus the latest additions.

Section 5 - 10 Latest Southpex

Section 5 - 16 UB23 additions

Addition to the Appendix of previously unlisted Booklet/Sheetlets that sort of qualify for the catalogue

Version V2022.1.0 Released

Published by Bruce Sergent on 30/01/2022

Version 2022.1.0 is released.

Section One, clarification of Stapled Remakes 1-18, 1-20

Addition of B67Ai 1-30

Images corrected on 1-43, 1-47 & 1-49

New issues on pages 2-240, 2-241 & 2-242